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Things to Know Before Your Mommy Makeover – Part 3

After a mommy makeover, you will need to go through a period of adjustment. To help you prepare, I have provided some helpful tips:

Take time to relax and recover.

Plan to take at least 1-2 weeks off of work for your recovery period (this can vary depending on your personalized treatment plan). You should try to take time off from your “SuperMom” duties, as well, as difficult as it may seem. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! If your family and friends are able to help around the house for at least one week, that would be great, but if you are able to get backup for two weeks, it would be even better! I recommend enlisting each grandma for one week’s worth of help!

Don’t forget to stay healthy!

After surgery, you can prolong your results as long as you want, provided that you maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise routine. It is also advisable to wait until you are done having children before electing to have a mommy makeover – if your body goes through another pregnancy, you may need to have your surgery repeated in the future.

For more important information about the mommy makeover procedure, be sure to check out our previous posts:

After reviewing the blogs above, please feel free to contact us to learn more about the mommy makeover. Our friendly and helpful staff can also assist you with scheduling a consultation with me, where I can provide you with more personalized answers to your questions.