DR. THOMAS LINTNER: The first most common myth is that all surgeons who practice cosmetic surgery are of equal training. You should pick a board certified plastic surgeon because they have standards of training that they have to fill and patient safety is important, knowledge is important, and the results are generally better with a board certified plastic surgeon.
Another common myth of plastic surgery is that the fat returns after liposuction. That’s not necessarily true, because that’s assuming failure is your goal. Your goal is to diet and exercise and liposuction. It’s not good to do one without the others. The other thing is that those fat cells are removed permanently. It will change the distribution of the fat, but those fat cells are gone.
The third myth of plastic surgery is that all patients who have had facial surgery are very visible and that’s not necessarily true. Most patients that we do, we try to maintain a natural balanced look so that you can’t tell they had a procedure done. They might look refreshed, they might look less tired, they might look younger, but you won’t be able to put your finger on why they look that way and that all surgery is not visible.